Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cleaning Windows in the Rain

If you have ever worked outside you know those dreaded days and times of working in the cold wet rain. The problem is... you feel kinda like this bird after a while, just sitting there in the poring down rain. It's not getting any better, or any warmer, so you think to yourself, why am I doing this, is there a smarter way?!? But the bird stays, as a reminder that the rain isn't so bad, if that little old bird can do it, so can you. Plus that bird doesn't have window cleaning customers around Nashville counting on it. So you just keep chugging on, just keep working away, just keeping your chin up, just keep powering through the window washing service work, just keep... Son of a Bi%&*, The bird flew away to somewhere dry. It's time to call it a day and be as smart as the bird is.

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